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Projects & Works


My Works and my Big and Small projects (smaller than bigger) that after a long period travelling in my mind without an "end zone", find their way out...

WorkShop Roberto Fiocco

a WorkShop by Roberto Fiocco in our Studio! Ph.: Fulvio Chiari

The Bride's Recall

"The Bride's Recall" A story about power, money, pride and principles

A night at the Cinema

A night at the Cinema (in the '80) Ph.: Fulvio Chiari

Il Gioco dell'Ocio

Cover and back cover for Giacomo Lucchesi's book Ph.: Fulvio Chiari

La Musica Salvifica

Cover and back cover for Giacomo Lucchesi's book Ph.: Fulvio Chiari

Il dogma del Licaone

Just a joke Directed by: Fulvio Chiari


Strangers In Death Ph.: Fulvio Chiari

Face The Fate

CinePhotography Project written and directed by Fulvio Chiari

Fra Ninnole e Nannole

Cover and back cover for Giacomo Lucchesi's book Ph.: Fulvio Chiari

Pensieri di un viggiatore nel tempo3_rid

Ph.:Fulvio Chiari for Stazione Lumiere CD cover

Lucca Behind

a Lucca Comics&Games Behind the scenes Ph.:Fulvio Chiari

Senza Ai né Bai (solo www)

Cover and back cover for Giacomo Lucchesi's book Ph.: Fulvio Chiari


Ph.:Fulvio Chiari Triphos project


Little Photo Project

Bottega Artigiana di Gianni Ugolini

Bottega Artigiana Gianni Ugolini Ph.:Fulvio Chiari e-book on issuu

House wall in Engadina

Muri di Engadina Ph.:Fulvio Chiari Slideshow on Flickr

Storica Macelleria Caprini

Ph.:Fulvio Chiari e-book on issuu

Nasty Shots (Stills & Not) is a Photographic thrill by Fulvio Chiari

All the images Rights are reserved

© Copyright Fulvio Chiari




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